Monday, April 19, 2010

How many types of blogs are there out there, really?

The answer to the question above is pretty blurry as to there are no one research that specializes on genre of blogs. In fact, even if they were to have classifications by subject matter (i.e, travel, political, history, fashion, news), people who blogs about their daily lives may occasionally blog about political views. Isn’t this an overlap? Therefore, whether or not blogs really be classified and fitted into respected categories is an issue. However, there are still active debates and discussion over this matter where blogs are more normally classified by subject matter (eg. as mentioned above) and media type (vlog, linklog, sketchlog, tumblelogs).

According to Simons (2008), there are approximately nine types of blogs. She stated that the ‘Diary’ type of blog is the suspected majority where people post updates involving their families, daily lives and what has or what is going to be done. A typical blog would contain texts, images and sometimes videos ( 2008). Again, how do we segregate them is the question?

Another type of classification would be media type. A weblog that contains videos is called a video blog or in short vlog while blogs with short posts and a mixed variety of media is considered as a tumblelog. A sketchlog on the other hand would be blogs that contains portfolio of sketches (Phoebe 2007). However, according to Phpwebscripts (2008), there are too many types of blogs, differentiated not only by their content type but also by how the content is expressed and written, hence leaving the question of this post open.

Below are some examples of media type classified blogs:





Phoebe, TPL 2007, ‘An Insight of blogosphere over the internet’, Jasa Review Papers, School of Management and Information Technology, UZCSI. 2008, ‘Blog scripts’, viewed 11 April 2010,

Simmons, M 2008, The Media Report: "A taxamony of blogs", ABC Transcript, viewed on 11 April 2010,

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