Wednesday, June 16, 2010


This note of reflection marks the end of this subject in my course. In the event of participating in this subject, I have to admit that I was nothing near to knowing any issues in publication and design. However, after a thorough guide from our lecturer and fellow course mates, I am now pleased to say that I am a student that graduated in this communication subject as I am certain that I have understood the subject almost to perfection.

One of the most valuable lessons that I have learned is the understanding of the shift in modes and how hard it is to transfer information from one media to another. Also, I have learned that when reaching out to different audience with different purposes and contexts, different genres is needed. Lastly, my favourite part of all would be learning about print alone would be too dull and that pictures alone would be too broad; picture with a narration would make everything clearer and guided for the audience. Hence, based on the theories that I have learned, I am proud to say that I have finished my blog with the essence of issues in publication and design.

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